
Dear Patients,

All of us at Colvard Kandavel Center would like to wish you a happy and safe Holiday Season. This year has been a challenging one in many ways, but there are so many things for which we are grateful. High on the list is the sense of joy and purpose that you, our patients, bring to us throughout the year. Another source of happiness is the opportunity to bring light to the lives of underserved patients both locally and internationally.

This year, while we have had to curtail our surgical work outside the US, we have been able to provide cataract surgery to many local indigent patients who otherwise would not have access to care. We have also had the pleasure of continuing our support of the Mwadinohmo School in Oshakati, Namibia. We wanted to share with you our most recent Friends of Vision Newsletter which details several of the projects we have been able to continue to foster even in this time of Covid.

Happy Holidays and Warm Wishes,

Rom Kandavel MD