Premium Lenses

Our doctors are leaders in the field of cataract surgery, and the latest innovations in intraocular lenses are available at the Colvard-Kandavel Eye Center. These “premium” intraocular lenses are designed to minimize astigmatism and provide a more youthful range of vision without glasses.

Dr. Colvard, Dr. Kandavel, and Dr. Dredge are experts in the newest technology in intraocular lenses. This gives our patients the best chance of minimizing or even eliminating their need for glasses after cataract surgery.

We are proud participants in ongoing lens research and development. In fact, many of the clinical trials that led to the design and approval of these vision restoring lenses were completed at the Colvard-Kandavel Eye Center.

What is an Intraocular lens (IOL)?

During cataract surgery the cloudy human lens is replaced with a new clear, artificial lens. These lenses are place in the same location in the eye as the human lens and are supported by the same structures that support the human lens. Intraocular lenses are designed to be permanent and do not get cloudy with time. The intraocular lenses are available in a full range of focusing powers, just like glasses. During the preoperative visit with our surgeons, sophisticated measurements of the eyes are taken. At the time of your consultation, guided by these data, you and your doctor will select the type of intraocular lens best suited for the unique characteristics of your eye and your life-style needs.

Monofocal IOL

Monofocal lenses are often referred to as the standard lens because they can correct vision at a single distance. During cataract surgery, this lens is the only one that Medicare will usually cover.

Because it’s a basic intraocular lens, it does not correct astigmatism, and patients will need to wear glasses after cataract surgery. This is to ensure that they can see at other distances that the monofocal lens can’t correct.

There are no extra out-of-pocket expenses for patients that choose this lens, as Medicare covers this and cataract surgery.

Lens Brands

Acrysof IQ (Monofocal), Tecnis, Staar NanoFLEX IOL

Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) IOLs offer a continuous range of vison from distance to intermediate to near. Patients that choose EDOF lenses report fewer visual disturbances like halos than do patients with multifocal IOLs.

Patients with an extended range of focus lens may need to use reading glasses when performing tasks like reading things with fine print. EDOF IOLs are premium lenses, meaning you will have to pay out of pocket for them. These lenses have several regions with different powers. This allows people to see up-close, far away, and intermediate distances.

This lens can cause more glare than monofocal lenses at night but provide much great independence from glasses in daily activities. Some patients may still need to wear glasses or contact lenses after cataract surgery for clearest vision.

Lens Brands

AcrySof™ IQ Vivity™

Toric IOL

Toric lenses share some similarities with monofocal lenses, but they are specifically designed to correct astigmatism. This allows patients with astigmatism to see well at a distance or far away.

They will then need to wear glasses to compensate for the distance that the lens didn’t correct for. Insurance, Medicare, and secondary insurances do not cover this lens, so there is an out-of-pocket expense. Many advanced lens implants will have a toric component. This enables an extended range of vision as well as astigmatism correction.

Lens Brands

Tecnis Toric, Staar C2 Aspheric Optic

Trifocal IOL

The trifocal lens provides clear vision up-close, far away, and at intermediate distances. Intermediate tasks include things like shaving, applying makeup, and working on a computer. Up-close tasks include sewing, writing, and reading.

This lens provides patients with good distance, computer, and reading vision. Some patients may see halos or starbursts in certain light conditions. There is an out-of-pocket expense for this premium lens.

Lens Brands

Panoptix, Panoptix Toric

Accommodating IOL

Accommodating IOLs are unique because they move inside your eye to accommodate focusing at different distances. They are designed to change shape like the eye’s natural lens, explains the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO).

With an accommodating IOL, most people find that they do not need glasses or contact lenses after having cataract surgery. Some people prefer to wear glasses for extended periods of reading or other close-up activities.

Lens Brands

Crystalens by Bausch and Lomb

Light Adjustable Lens

RxSight’s Light Adjustable Lens™ is the first intraocular lens that allows you and your physician to optimize your vision after cataract surgery. This lens gives you the unique ability to adjust and preview your vision until it meets your personal desires and lifestyle requirements.

This optimization is done by your eye doctor after lens implantation during a series of light-treatment procedures. The light-treatment procedures only take a few minutes each at your eye doctor’s office.

Lens Brands

RxSight’s Light Adjustable Lens™

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Colvard-Kandavel Eye Center offers personalized eye care services for patients with routine and complex eye conditions.
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