
Dear Patients and Respected Peers,

        We are excited to share some remarkable news from our eye center! Dr. Kandavel,  Colvard and Dredge recently presented new research at the prestigious American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, in May 2023. This achievement underscores our commitment to providing you with the most advanced and cutting-edge eye care.

        Our research presentation focused on the combination of technologies for cataract surgery to improve visual outcomes. This included laser assisted cataract surgery with intra-operative image guidance. These technologies are all available at our center, and by publishing our excellent results we hope to better the outcomes for patients throughout the world.

        The findings from our research have far-reaching implications for our patients and the field of ophthalmology as a whole. They contribute to the development of novel treatment approaches, enhanced diagnostic techniques, and improved patient outcomes. By incorporating these advancements into our practice, we are better equipped to provide you with the highest quality of care and ensure your visual health and well-being.

        At the Colvard-Kandavel Eye Center, our mission has always been to stay at the forefront of eye care innovation. This research accomplishment epitomizes our commitment to delivering excellence in patient care. We are proud to have a dedicated research team advancing the frontiers of ophthalmology and improving the lives of our valued patients.

Click on the following links to read our recently published paper on our experience with the Vivity IOL. Also available on PubMed.

In addition to publishing two separate research papers, Dr. Kandavel, and Dr. Colvard taught an international group of physicians, personally assisting them in mastering modern cataract surgery. These “Skills Transfer Courses” are taught by only the nation’s most respected surgeons. They are hand-picked by the clinical committee and are allowed to teach by invitation only. It was an honor to have our doctors featured on this national stage.

      Caption: Dr Colvard and Kandavel pictured with faculty from Jules Stein and others at the skills transfer course.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to you, our patients, for your ongoing trust and support. It is your confidence in our services that allows us to invest in research and stay at the forefront of advancements in eye care. As we continue to grow and evolve, we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing you with personalized, compassionate, and state-of-the-art eye care.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our research or our services, please visit our website at colvardvision.com.

Thank you for choosing the Colvard-Kandavel Eye Center as your trusted eye care provider. We look forward to serving you and your family for all your eye care needs.